Za pravilnu negu lica nije neophodno da redovno trčkarate od salona do salona i zakazujete skupe tretmane. Takodje, ne morate mnogo novca da trošite u kupovini kozmetičkih preparata. 

Dovoljno je da znate da napravite pilinge i maske u sopstvenoj režiji kod kuće, od sastojaka koje garantovano imate u kuhunji.
Jeftinije je i praktičnije, jer sve rešavate u toplini i udobnosti svog doma.

Evo nekoliko recepata za „kućne“ pilinge i maske za lice.

Maske za lice

1. Pomešajte malo maslinovog ulja i jedno žumance. Ako imate , dodajte kašičicu meda. Nanesite na lice izbegavajući područje oko očiju.Posle 15 minuta isperite mlakom vodom. Ova maska je preporučljiva za suvlji tip kože.

2. Umutite belanac i dodajte malo limunovog soka i sok od jedne šargarepe. Stavite na lice i posle 15 minuta dobro operite. Ova mnaska se preporučuje vlasnicama masnije kože.

Kod maski za lice se obično preporučuje da pazite da ih ne stavljate na predeo oko očiju. Za tu posebno osetljivu kožu preporučujemo sledeće:

Dok na licu držite neku od maski, stavite na kapke po jednu kesicu čaja od kamilice.
Ako pak imate izraženije podočnjake, na taj deo možete staviti malo narendanog krompira.
Maske za lice možete stavljati jednom sedmično pa i češće ako osećate da vaša koža to zahteva.


1. Dovoljno je da malo kristal šećera pomešate u malo mlake vode. Kružnim pokretima blago utrljajte u kožu lica i masirajte. Dobro isperite i nanesite masku za lice, pa nakon toga hranjivu kremu za lice.

2. Kašiku kukuruznog brašna, malo meda i kašiku do dve maslinovog ulja pomešajte i pilingujte lice uobičajeno.

Piling za lice možete koristiti jednom nedeljno, ali ako imate ozrazito suvu kožu I osetljivu, sačekajte I dve sedmice. 

Kako med pomaže kod mnogih bolesti ?

Med je, moglo bi se reći jedan najsavršenijih proizvoda prirode. Med sadrži  minerale, aminokiseline,  kiseline kao što su mravlja, jabučna, limunska ,kompleks vitamina B…
Specifičnim načinom pravljenja, pčele med pretvaraju u gotovo pravi lek I tako med čine nezamenljivim u ljudskoj ishrani.

Med je poznat po tome što daje snagu i jača koncentraciju. Kada osetite malaksalost ili slabost uzmite malo blagotvornog meda.

Kako konzumirati med

Med jedite drvenom ili plastičnom kasičicom, nikako metalnom. Preporučljivo je da malo meda rastvorenog u čaši tople vode popijete ujutru na prazan stomak.

Med je izutetno blagotvoran za probleme sakožom. Koristite ga kao masku za osetljivu kožu lica, mažite na zglobove ako imate slabu cirkulaciju, masirajte medom povrede na koži ili njime namažite predeo oko rana ili povreda.

U zimsko vreme, kada su prehlade češće, nikako ne zaboravite na med! Nekada je bolji od klasičnih antibiotika iz apoteke jer bakterije na med teško postaju otporne.

Lekovitost koja je skoro univerzalna

Jedna kašika meda  ima oko 25 kalorija, što je malo više od kalorija u belom šećeru na primer,  ali je med zdrav i hranjiv u odnosu na veštački šećer.

Med uspešno poboljšava moždane funkcije, ublažava tegobe sa probavom, ublažava probleme sa zubima, dobar je saveznik u borbi sa čirevima, artritisom…

Nezamenjiv  je ujačanju imuniteta I otpornosti organizma  jer sadrži velik broj vitamina, minerala, aminokiselina i biljnih zaštitnih supstanci -  bioflavonoida.

Takodje, ako se bavite sportom ili radite fizički zahtevan posao, med mora biti na vašoj trpezi redovno. Još su ga stari Grci koristili za jačanje uoči svakih Olimpijskih igara.

Zato ne zaboravite, kašičica meda svakog dana čini vas jačim I zdravijim!

Koliki je prosečni koeficijent inteligencije u Srbiji? Ova lista vas može uznemiriti...

Na rang listi 113 država sveta, Srbija se nalazi na 18 mestu prema kriterijumu inteligencije. Srbi prema sprovedenom istraživanju imaju  prosečni koeficijent inteligencije 89. Navedeni rezultati pokazuju da se bolje rezultate postigli stanovnici svih bivših jugoslovenskih republika!

Prema listi koeficijenata inteligencije, donji nivo”prosečne inteligencije” je 90! Da li smo na granici takozvane lake tuposti? To bi bilo dobro pitanje za autore rang liste, kao I pitanje o tome kakve su testove koristili, jer na primer prosek inteligencije u Ekvatorijalnoj Gvineji je svega 46! Kako ljudi žive uopšte, pitam se!

Na listi je u vrhu Singapur sa prosečnim IQ 108, slede Južna Koreja sa 106 i Japan sa 105. U našem regionu najbolji plasman ima   Slovenija, koja je na 11. mestu sa prosečnim koeficijentom 96. Iza nje su Bugarska na 14. sa 93, Grčka na 15. sa 92, Makedonija na 16. sa 91, dok Albanija, BiH i Hrvatska dele 17. mesto sa prosečnim IQ 90.

Evo još nekih rezultata:

1.       Sigapur       108
2.       Južna Koreja        106
3.       Japan          105
4.       Italija 102
5.       Island, Mongolija  101
6.       Švajcarska    101
7.       Austrija, Kina, Luksemburg, Holandija, Norveška, Velika Britanija   100
8.  Belgija, Kanada, Estonija, Finska, Nemačka, Novi Zeland, Poljska, Švedska          99
9. Andora, Australija, Češka, Danska, Francuska, Mađarska, Litvanija, Španija, SAD 98
10.     Belorusija, Malta, Rusija, Ukrajina     97
11.     Slovenija     96
16.     Makedonija 91
17.     Albanija, BiH, Hrvatska  90
18.     Srbija 89
43.     Ekvatorijalna Gvineja      46

Rang lista “pametnjakovića” objavljena je na sajtu Photius.com, I navodi se da je  sastavljena  na osnovu desetogodišnjeg rada tima istraživača koji čine britanski psiholog Ričard Linn, finski politikolog Tatu Vananen i holandski psiholog Jelte Vičerts.  

Iako poslednja u odnosu na komšije, Možda I ne treba da budemo razočarani. Ipak smo još daleko  ispred začelja ove lestvice, na kom je, sa prosečnim koeficijentom 46, Ekvatorijalna Gvineja.

Šta vi mislite, koliko smo pametni mi u Srbiji?

Proleće u januaru - Sneško Belić - najugroženiji!

Da li ste se i Vi probudili jutros i iznenadili količinom sunca nestvarnom za januar? Ajde, nekako smo pregrmeli doček Nove godine bez snega, ali ovo vreme baš ume da pretera! Uostalom, pogoduje hipohondrima koji će sada dodatno smarati sa tim kako su potpuno skljokani –“zbog ovog ludog vremena” itd…

Ako se ne varam, u novembru smo nešto slušali u medijima da će ova zima biti nadprosečno hladna…. Hmmm. A ja evo, ovo pišem bosih nogu pored otvorene terase. Drugog januara.
Najnoviji meteorološki izveštaji kažu da se strpimo još samo malo!

Kažu–zima nastupa oko Božića I dodaju: “U prvim danima januara biće relativno toplo vreme, očekuju nas povremena naoblačenja sa kišom, a snega će biti samo na planinama. Oko 8. januara može uslediti jače naoblačenje sa kišom koja će se pretvoriti u sneg, a krajem meseca biće hladnije sa većim izgledima za snežne padavine” 

Dakle, krajem meseca tek veći izgledi za snežne padavine? Ne, nije mi dovoljno to sa izgledima, procenama, verovatnoćama! Hoću da se grudvam, napravim detetu poštenog Sneška I dami škripi sneg pod nogama. Oprostite vi koji radite napolju, ili ste često na terenu, zna kako vam je…
I dok je temperatura kod nas trenutno iznad proseka, pa imamo proleće u januaru,  u nekim drugim krajevima planete besne oluje i veje sneg.
I to je sasvim uobičajeno, objašnjavaju stručnjaci.
To je svojevrsna  prirodna zakonitost, ako je u jednom regionu nevreme, ili je okovan snegom i ledom, u drugom je toplije. Čekamo dakle, obratnu situaciju, bar oni željni ludorija na snegu, mislim na decu prvenstveno. Ipak smo kupili sanke!

Ovo je I super prilikadase podserimo šta po klimu uzrokuju izduvni gasovi I stopa zagadjenja. Stručnjaci upozoravaju da, u decenijama koje slede, ukoliko se na celoj planeti nešto drastično ne učini na redukciji gasova, klima će se drastično promeniti.
Primer za to je da je prvih deset godina ovog veka, klima  znatno različita od one koju smo imali polovinom 20. stoleća.  Mnogo je toplije, imamo sve češće toplotne talase i drastično visoke temperature u leto.  Nadamo se da odgovorni imaju petlju da još nešto preduzmu u smislu zaštite životne sredine.

Jer:  U poslednjih stotinak godina koncentracija gasova na celoj planeti uvećana je za oko 40 odsto. Naš region se inače više zagreva od ostalih, jer zagrevanje na planeti nikada nije ravnomerno, na to utiču mnogi faktori, geografske širine I dužine, blizina mora ili okeana, vetrovi, morske struje, nadmorska visina…

Naravno, Severni pol je najugroženiji.
Promene klime naravno utiču na sav živi svet. Zbog letnjih suša, smanjuju seprihodi u poljoprivredi, hrana poskupljuje, izvori pijaće vode presušuju, šume počinju da se suše, a požari su učestaliji.

Zato, ako se žalite na glavobolju ili malaksalost usled čudnog vremena oko Novogodišnjih praznika, lek bi umesto kafetina mogao biti taj da posadite neko drvo s vremena na vreme, smanjite švrćkanje kolima, ili kupite ona na solarni pogon ili struju ( u Srbiji malo teže), I koristite radije gradski prevoz ( u Beogradu opet malo neugodnijeJ)


Winter is the time when your lips become particularly sensitive . Easier to shoot , dried , not so subtle ... The skin on the lips is much thinner than the other parts of the body , and also know that your lips have no sebaceous glands . Therefore require special care .

Choose carefully preparations that will be comfortable to your lips and avoid habits that will spoil the look , you will agree , one of the most important women trumps !

Lips look for constant moisture to prevent drying, were far from attractive . Because - Drink plenty of water , of course , not only because of the lips, but also because of the importance of hydration of the whole body .
Stop the habit of licking his lips. Saliva has enzymes in it harmful to the natural protective layer of the lips . Licking removing the protective layer and lips so easily dried .

Use a lip balm
Select balm containing vitamin E , še butter , almond oil or coconut , these ingredients are a guarantee that you will put on lip -quality product . Ladies with sensitive lips can use balm with camphor . Not bad occasionally lips podarite all-night care by thick smear layer Pantenol or some similar vitamin creams , and leave overnight .

There are peels that can be purchased at a pharmacy , but it can also do with a bit of sugar polurastopljnog in lukewarm water . Rub gently massaging mass lips . Nice flush them and apply lip balm . Do not go overboard with frequent peels , just once a week. Can cause redness and extra sensitivity of the lips .

Did it in this cold anima and just does not have much , but we know that lips are more sensitive to sunlight than the rest of the face and body. That's why they put the balm with SPF. Lately , a large number of such products on the market , and is particularly important to have them handy in summer .

Get your makeup
If lipstick is long on the lips can dry out your lips , especially if it is about the " cement variants " and long-lasting lipsticks . Remove makeup from her face as soon as you get home , and of course mandatory before going to bed . If you just can not live without lipstick , choose those that contain vitamins and oils such as those in the lip balm , something like " 2 in 1 " .


When you notice that your hair is increasingly decreasing , know that in this situation many intertwined causes. Hair loss is particularly stressful for women with hair represents one of the strong points , but keep in mind that though there is help !

Hair loss usually is the result of genetics , and the use of aggressive shampoos and frequent washing , and daily stress . Now do not panic !

More hair loss can be quite temporary. After all , the pace of growth and the nature of the hair are subject to the surrounding influences and is completely normal that hair eventually change its color , density , quality and appearance .

Here's what you MUST do:

Each hair has a life cycle of about two to five years , and is hair loss that are no longer active and live a normal thing , but it can become more frequent and stronger mainly due to aggressive treatment of hair products.

Therefore , pay attention to the cosmetics you use. If you are already often you wash your hair , use a mild shampoo . Consult a dermatologist about the choice of shampoo if you are unsure of what suits your hair type .

- Olive oil
It would be good to your hair once a week, brush with olive oil to neutralize the effects of " chemistry ." In addition, to further feed the strands .

You can combine the package with eggs and a little honey .
Let stand as long as possible , apply it with a gentle massage the scalp , aisperite lukewarm water and mild shampoo .

- Healthy Food
Proper nutrition is certainly a positive effect on the quality of the hair . Therefore, it is imperative that you be on the table regularly spinach , dried fruit , liver , egg yolks , seafood , meat , fish , wholemeal bread , cocoa , pepper , mushrooms , olives ...

Proper nutrition for your hair makes it more than any other , the most expensive product !

- Chamomile and Nettle
After washing , rinse the hair of chamomile tea . One liter of boiling water Pour four tablespoons of dried chamomile . Strain after 15 minutes, when the tea has a temperature that suits you rinse your hair .

In the same purposes , for stronger hair and prevent decline, you can also use nettle tea .


Smog is a combination of a variety of harmful gases and fine , but toxic particles in air. We see it as a kind of fog usually above the city.

How much smog can be a dangerous by the fact that 50 years ago in London because of the smog died about four thousand people .

Types of dust in the air
In the air there is almost always a dust which may be more or less harmful . Water particles , dust from rocks , trees , dry leaves ... fall into a natural mass of dust . However, most often it is caused by automobile exhaust gases from industrial processes that usually contain a lot of carbon dioxide and other potentially toxic particles.

The most vulnerable cities
The amount of dust is the largest industrial cities.Veliki cities with smog- fighting in a variety of ways : using the mechanisms of ventilation, electrical machines that prevent dust , and put filters on the chimneys .

In a better position as the city where the winds are strong and frequent and where the population during the winter clamor electricity, so where is less active chimney , where I regularly refer from dust and harmful gases in combination with fog make smog .

Smog is deposited on plants that are grown in close proximity to cities and roads . Car exhaust fumes contain lead among other things that can cause cancer . Because fruits of vegetables , teas and even buy in a trusted seller .
Of course , it is best to have your own little garden where you will entertain even green for their needs .

Number of adults and children suffering from respiratory diseases is higher in cities with higher concentrations of smog. If you are a resident of such an environment , you use every day for the outing , and the kids spend some vacations for example in rural areas.

Good pillows - very important !

If in the morning you cant wake up fresh and full of enthusiasm for the new day , it's possible that you made a mistake in choosing pillows .

Also , the cushion that is tailor- indicates that restless sleep, fidgeting on the bed and looking for a suitable position for a long time . Specialists particularly emphasize the importance of a quality bag as one of the most important conditions for a clear and rested morning .

The pillow should fill the line below the head and neck , no matter in what position you sleep . That's why you find a pillow that provides support and support for your tired neck .
As for the material , it is best to opt for one with a cotton nalilčjem and filled with non-allergenic .

Anatomic pillows
The true anatomical pillows , especially popular in recent years , with the recess for the head and support the neck . They are original , which are made of memory foam shape according to your body shape , which is good. But it can happen that , after adhering to the body and thus retain heat , create a problem for those who wake up in the heat .

The size and shape
Pillows of different sizes and shapes can help in fixing the body and spine in the correct position during sleep . Pillows can foist the Kuchma while you sleep on your side , you can put them between your legs or knees , and you can make them Brace to arm rigged in the most comfortable position .

The best sleeping position
Regardless of the choice of pillows , experts recommend sleeping on your back or side , with slightly bent knees . That knee adapts to the pressure on the back and put the body in a neutral position . Select if you prefer to starboard to sleep to reduce the pressure on the stomach and the heart .

Those who sleep on their stomach , and thereby reject the pillow , there is a risk of a variety of problems with the cervical vertebrae , because sleeping on your stomach in particular puts pressure on the spinal cord .


Not in vain the famous tree in paradise grew just apples ! Hard to resist ! It is good that one such fruit , beautiful to the eye and very tasty, it contains a real treasure for your health .

If you have not yet , make sure to include apples in your daily menu . Here's why:

Fibers - An apple fruit contains about 100 calories and fiber that our bodies decompose for a long time which gives a feeling of satiety . An apple has about 5 grams of fiber , and the need of the human daily dose is between 25 and 40 grams . Fibers from apple a positive effect on the digestive system and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer .

Slenderness - Because fruit acids which include apples , this fruit is great in the diet because it helps weight loss and weight maintenance . Apple encourages fat burning , helps restore muscle mass ... But beware , these beneficial acidic generally have to use jakuke , and therefore, do not peel , but a good wash and get it!

BREATHING - antioxidant quercetin , which is also used in the apple , the drug is in improving lung function . Some studies have shown that pregnant women who ate more apples during the pregnancy , received descendants who rarely suffered from asthma and other respiratory diseases .

IMMUNITY - Struggling with a cold irreplaceable vitamin C. If you thought that it is only in the lemon and orange - you are wrong. The average apple contains about 8 milligrams of this vitamin , which is 15 percent of human needs on a daily basis .

DIABETES AND CHOLESTEROL - antioxidant anthocyanin , which gives the fruit color is very important in the fight against diabetes. Pectin in apples prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the body , so the body does not store it , but it 's the substance that makes cholesterol consumed .

Memory - apples stimulate the production of acetylcholine , which facilitates contact between nerve endings . If you eat them regularly , you will feel a stronger concentration , and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease .

Moon plays big role to human behavior

Moon has always fascinated people with its magical glow and unusual appearance .
Since ancient times, man believes that the moon plays a big role to human behavior , but also the animals and the impact of the weather on Earth .

Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago ,away from  the Earth  384,400 km, turns on its axis for 27 days , 7 hours and 11.5 seconds .

Modern civilization is largely ignores the influence of the moon , but all the old people in different parts of our planet's life was to synchronize the lunar path.
The fact is that many people , especially women , feel the impact of months of his body. This is primarily related to the changes in mood and sleep problems .

Scientists believe that the responsibility for the impact of the moon should be attributed to melatonin, the hormone that in humans affects the cycle of sleep and wakefulness . It is evident that the level of this hormone in humans varies in relation to the lunar cycle , but has not been definitively established that the only cause of the moon , or some other factors involved .
Statistics show that on the night of the full moon and accidents often happen that people were more irritable and aggressive , prone to violence ... This phenomenon is called " Transylvanian syndrome " , in conjunction with the famous Count Dracula , who on the night of the full moon turned into a vampire . This syndrome is known before. So English medieval law , a murder on the night of the full moon milder punishments as a mitigating circumstance dose reduced uračinljivost killers .
Impact on climate
Moon influences on the climate, it was found that, for example , in the polar regions , on average, a higher temperature for about half a degree when the moon is full. Sailors are sometimes based on the aura around the moon could have predicted the storm ...

Women in ancient Egypt , Babylonia , Mesopotamia , Greece and Rome fertile days counted by observing the moon. Aristotle first wrote about the direct influence of moon phases on the fertility of women , argued that the cycle of healthy women should begin on the night of the new moon , and fertility is highest at night when it is full ...

In the period between the full and new moon , in the stage of decline, the human body tends to be purified and reject harmful substances . Therefore , if you want to reduce weight, a clean body of toxins , eliminate cellulite , do it when the moon is falling. During the 14 day diet is a successful and effective products . Lunar phases of decline and growth
It know surgeons to decrease the lunar phase , patients bleed less , and are ideal days for removing warts and moles.

Growth phase of the moon is also 14 days , when slowly turning in a circle . It is a period of recovery and growth , construction , inspiration and energy storage . This is a great time to take vitamins, use of nutritional products , masks and packs , hair clippers ...

New moon begins practically at night with no moon. At the Earth's satellite becomes nearly invisible. Those few hours invisibility period is when the body's ability to get rid of the harmful effects of toxins and greatest , and meatless food gives excellent results .

Many believe that the day should start each job and get rid of bad habits . Many centers in the fight against addiction, treatment for the release of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol are starting that very day because it is believed the best results.